Wednesday, December 27, 2006

its gonna' be a white christmas!...not...............

merry Christmas everyone! i had a great Christmas and i hope you did too.
i just want to take the time to say that even though there are religious and other holiday arguments, that we should all sink into what the holidays mean to us. weather it be religious or material meaning.

another thing i want to discuss is something you can find practically anywhere if you look hard enough. the huge signs, billboards, and changed commercials that people put otherwise productive time, effort, and money into making themselves and others feel religious, just to get free stuff.
although, i guess EVERYONE likes getting gifts, so what the heck, I'm not perfect.

Monday, December 18, 2006

jebus, i need to get on here more

well, i am a bust, i haven't been on in a while. but i have a good reason! my dog had puppies!
they are all so cute and tiny!:] and to answer why i haven't put up comics in awhile is because of writers block. the story is supposed to be where lunel falls down the hole and ends up in a weird town called Ruhr (pronounced Eur) and the adventure takes off from there after he meets a white sage called tenor.